Friday, February 11, 2005

C'est Moi

The world revolves around me. Or so it seems. At least that's what the great minds behind this quiz have to say about me.

Creative. Me. Dreamy. Me. Dramatic. Definitely me. Expressive. Sure. But individualistic? Now, who would have thought..

Then again, come to think of it.. Is that not how all us humans operate? We are all self-involved. Every single one of us. Okay, maybe not mothers. You know the whole unconditional mother's love mantra. But as for the rest of us mere mortals, every single thing we do, no matter how charitable we think it maybe, is actually in the interest of our very own good. Really. Think about it.

So, yeah.. I guess I am indeed an Individualist.

You Are the Individualist

You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself.

You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable.

You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt.

Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel.