Damsel in Distress
I am back on land. After spending a few days offshore. Stranded in the middle of the South China Sea with 98 men. Thank god for my female colleague. Though being one of the only ladies on board definitely has its own merits. I was treated like a princess.
Now who ever conjured up that thing called gender equality? Truth to be told, I do not want to be treated as equals with the scruffy lesser kind. Not when I can get my way simply because I'm of the fairer sex.
Ask any girl. We are all guilty of it. The damsel in distress guise.
We put on the most miserable look while struggling to get our bags up the stairs, until the guy passing by just can't help but stop and offer a hand. We flash a bimbo-ish look while trying to squeeze into the next lane.. into getting our way on those jam-packed roads. We get them to give up their seats for us, open the door for us, get our coats for us. Ain't it wonderful being a girl?
It never fails. The DID guise works every single time. Almost. Fluster, mumble incomprehensible words, sulk and paint some misery on that pretty face.. and voila! Maybe deep down all men want to be that gallant knight in shining armor, rushing to our rescue.
Chivalry never goes out of style.
Now who ever conjured up that thing called gender equality? Truth to be told, I do not want to be treated as equals with the scruffy lesser kind. Not when I can get my way simply because I'm of the fairer sex.
Ask any girl. We are all guilty of it. The damsel in distress guise.
We put on the most miserable look while struggling to get our bags up the stairs, until the guy passing by just can't help but stop and offer a hand. We flash a bimbo-ish look while trying to squeeze into the next lane.. into getting our way on those jam-packed roads. We get them to give up their seats for us, open the door for us, get our coats for us. Ain't it wonderful being a girl?
It never fails. The DID guise works every single time. Almost. Fluster, mumble incomprehensible words, sulk and paint some misery on that pretty face.. and voila! Maybe deep down all men want to be that gallant knight in shining armor, rushing to our rescue.
Chivalry never goes out of style.
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