Saturday, January 07, 2006


The new year has come again. Bringing new tides and new beginnings. For the first time in my life, I barely noticed. It was merely another day.

The concept of time has changed. All through my learning years, they were marked by each year of school. Each moving up classes a milestone. A measure of a year's accomplishment. Right from the preschool days to my college graduation. Then the real world began.

And as I look back at the years since then, I see my life marked by different eras. Okay, maybe an era seems overly dramatic for a few hundred-some days, but that is how I remember. Each one leaving its mark on the person I have become and hope to be yet.

2002 - Post Graduation: The mild depression era. I was glad to be home. Yet missing those thrilling student days. My friends. My freedom. My carefree ways.

2003: The Era of Broken Dreams. This year confronted me with my naivety towards romance, and the pain of a broken heart.

2004: The Renaissance era. I ventured into unkown territory. Travelled across continents. Sailed across the South China Sea. And did the unexpected, in vain pursuit of Mr Right.

2005: The era of the Fighting Spiders. Enough said.

And 2006...
Here's to the dawn of an era filled with hopes and dreams.
One I wish to last a lifetime.