Thursday, January 21, 2010

Twenties Girl

A close friend turned 30 today. I called to wish and ask how it feels.
Funny really. How turning 30 seems such a dread. Turning 20 was exciting. Reeling with the whole world at your feet. Your whole life ahead of you. The journey just beginning.

Yet at 30, merely a decade away. You suddenly feel... old.

I suppose I should enjoy these last months of my twenties. Cross off the things-to-do-before-I-turn-30 list. Or maybe deep down, I shall always remain 25. Forever young. And fabulous.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Live. Love. Dream.

Three words on my backside.
Three words that could sum up my new year's resolution.
My new outlook towards life. Live. Love. Dream.

And most of all to remember to stay in the present. To enjoy the moment. To relish the now. Laying to rest past lessons learnt. And lifting up hope for future dreams.