Monday, July 28, 2008

Wish List

Baby Idris is 8 months-old today. I almost can not believe it. How fast time flies. Already I am missing those precious newborn days.. (sigh)

You see, all parents are delusional. Thinking their child is the cutest, smartest baby ever born. Super geniuses. It's hilarious sometimes how parents fret over the child's progress, comparing the poor little thing to every other baby out there. Always secretly proud over the fact that their kid crawled first. Or turned over at one month old. And then there are the poor mummies who worry that their little bundle of joy is getting left behind. Just because the boy next door has started to stand while theirs are content to keep crawling on fours for what seems like forever.

Seems ridiculously neurotic right? But trust me, you too will fall prey to this delusion. It is after all, human nature.

Me? All I want is for Idris to be healthy and happy. And smart. And cute. And handsome. And on and on and on.. Haha. But really, most of all I want him to grow up to be a good man.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Baby Talk

I was up late last night cause baby Idris wouldn't go to sleep. He has gotten into this habit of playing till wee hours of the morning recently. And catching up on sleep when I'm away at work. My mother in-law says I should be flattered. That he saves up every waking hour for me (at the cost of my very much needed beauty sleep!). I love rolling around with him. Cuddling and kissing those chubby little cheeks. And babbling away as though he could understand every word.

He managed his first real words just last week. Mam-ma. And then Ba-ba just a few days later. Which then quickly evolved into Ap-bah, probably a response to our endless questions of "Apa?" each time he starts gurgling his baby jargon.

I told Idris he's special. And so lucky to have Mama and Baba all to himself. No one else will. All his adik(s) will have to share. But not Idris. The little man gets all of Mama and Baba's undivided love and attention. Every single ounce of it.