Saturday, August 09, 2008


We came. We saw. We conquered.

As we were driving back down from Ranau to Kundasang, looking back up at the magnificent Mount Kinabalu shrouded by clouds, I almost could not believe that we were just up there among the peaks that very morning. All 10 of us. Catching a glimpse of the sunrise at Lowe's Peak.

It never ceases to amaze me. What our bodies can accomplish when we put our mind to it. Truth is, there were times when it felt like sheer torture. Scrambling up the peak while battling with the altitude. Caught in the mist on the Via Ferrata, hanging on to those icy cold cables with no gloves on. The hunger pangs. The shaking knees.

Yet this morning, with my legs aching all over, when I look back, it was awesome fun. Really. An amazing trip. I remember the breathtaking scenery. Being high up above the clouds. The glorious night sky illmunated by more stars than I have ever seen. Looking back down to a trail of lights from climbers far behind. Hanging on to carabinas and walking tightrope on a cable bridge while peering down on Laban Rata. The cool mountain mist. And the cosy Pendant Hut (where none of us managed to get any sleep! Well, expect for Yassir the Mountain Man). And of course the great laughs and camarederie.

Yes my friends. It was well worth it.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

A man has only one escape from his old self: to see a different self-in the mirror of some woman's eyes".

As we are nearing our 2nd wedding anniversary, I can't help but contemplate on how much we've grown. How we have changed and adapted to one another. The graceful acceptance of our differences. Developing our own secret language. Our own private jokes. Making wonderful memories together. The building blocks of our life to come.

And now baby makes three. My precious boys.
My love. My dream. My future.