Saturday, January 26, 2008

Goodness Gracious

I was helping my 12-year old sister with her English assignment. Picking out poems for the class. We stumbled across "The Paradoxical Commandments" by Dr. Kent M. Keith.

It was good advice. Perfect for young tweens venturing out into the real world. But at the same time, I wondered if it was sensible to expose such naive innocent minds to such irony. To the truth of the dreary cold world out there. (So much for a glass half-full person that I claim to be. Heh.)

See, I was the product of a sheltered childhood. And I turned out okay. A successful and happy human being. With lots of love in my life. And tons of laughter. And I still believe in sheer good luck.

So, I don't know really. Times have changed. The world has changed. But goodness always prevails. Here's to hoping goodness will make its way to these young hearts.