Second Time Around
Ammar Yusuf is 3-weeks old today. Time sure flies. I'm already halfway through pantang. Am gonna miss staying home with the boys. (And being waited on hand and foot. Haha.)
To be honest, baby Ammar was an 'accident'. Well, sort of. Hubby would say otherwise. Heh.
I remember crying in the bathroom when I first found out. Mostly for Idris. Thinking he was far too young to have a little brother. To share the love. But truly, things are laid out for the best. Because Allah knows best. And it could not have turned out any better than this. A perfect, beautiful baby boy.
See, we were supposed to wait till we get to the States before trying for baby no 2. But He had other plans. Turns out, our assignment got deferred till next summer. So, in retrospect, having the baby now was perfect timing. Ammar will be almost a year-old by the time we move to Houston. Like I said, Allah knows what's best for us. And yes, He does work in mysterious ways.
The delivery this time around was less of a drama, I have to admit. I was much tougher and able to handle the contractions better. Of course, it was a much easier and shorter labor this time around. And maybe it was the pethidine shot that helped as well. The pushing was still hard though, despite the fact that it only took two tries and there he was.
I was amazed and relieved at how easy and smooth the whole experience was this time around. Maybe it was all the built-up irrational fear I had, making things seem not as bad as I had preconceived in my mind. I had even requested for an epidural upfront. Fortunately the doctors were out since it was a Friday afternoon. Which was a good thing, as I really didn't need one. In less than 2 hours after they broke my water, baby Ammar Yusuf came into the world. Alhamdulillah.
I remember Yassir reciting the Qur'an. Surah Maryam and Surah Luqman. It was so soothing and helped me stay strong and calm through each contraction. Until of course the last few big ones began. That truly did hurt still. And I remember thinking... "I hate this.. I hate this..". Funny how so soon after labor you think, maybe we can stop here at two. I bet that happens every time. But, like each and every single mother would tell you, the pain disappears, the memories fade.. and before you know it there you are in the labor room, once again.
To be honest, baby Ammar was an 'accident'. Well, sort of. Hubby would say otherwise. Heh.
I remember crying in the bathroom when I first found out. Mostly for Idris. Thinking he was far too young to have a little brother. To share the love. But truly, things are laid out for the best. Because Allah knows best. And it could not have turned out any better than this. A perfect, beautiful baby boy.
See, we were supposed to wait till we get to the States before trying for baby no 2. But He had other plans. Turns out, our assignment got deferred till next summer. So, in retrospect, having the baby now was perfect timing. Ammar will be almost a year-old by the time we move to Houston. Like I said, Allah knows what's best for us. And yes, He does work in mysterious ways.
The delivery this time around was less of a drama, I have to admit. I was much tougher and able to handle the contractions better. Of course, it was a much easier and shorter labor this time around. And maybe it was the pethidine shot that helped as well. The pushing was still hard though, despite the fact that it only took two tries and there he was.
I was amazed and relieved at how easy and smooth the whole experience was this time around. Maybe it was all the built-up irrational fear I had, making things seem not as bad as I had preconceived in my mind. I had even requested for an epidural upfront. Fortunately the doctors were out since it was a Friday afternoon. Which was a good thing, as I really didn't need one. In less than 2 hours after they broke my water, baby Ammar Yusuf came into the world. Alhamdulillah.
I remember Yassir reciting the Qur'an. Surah Maryam and Surah Luqman. It was so soothing and helped me stay strong and calm through each contraction. Until of course the last few big ones began. That truly did hurt still. And I remember thinking... "I hate this.. I hate this..". Funny how so soon after labor you think, maybe we can stop here at two. I bet that happens every time. But, like each and every single mother would tell you, the pain disappears, the memories fade.. and before you know it there you are in the labor room, once again.