Thursday, December 29, 2011

Magnificent Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon was simply breathtaking. Such awe-inspiring scenery every where you looked. I loved the layers and layers of rock exposed, carved by the mighty Colorado River. With snow covering the ground, it was almost magical. Almost unreal. As though it was all a giant backdrop painting.

Hubby had hiked a week in the canyon back in college. I had simply drove by one summer in my freshmen year. This time with the boys in tow, we stayed two nights at the Thunderbird Lodge in the Grand Canyon Village. Where we saw deers up close after dinner one night - Ammar squealed "Look Mummy! Reindeers!" And woke up the next morning to the Grand Canyon right outside our window.

The boys were more excited in the snow on the ground than the Grand Canyon itself. Throwing snowballs. Making miniature snowmen. Stomping & sliding around in the snow.

And Ammar started to develop an obsession with rocks. All the way from Las Vegas to the Hoover Dam to the Grand Canyon, he collected rocks at every stop. And the moment we drove into the Grand Canyon just after dusk, he shouted "banyaknya rocks!" Haha. Budding geologist unleashed.

Great trip. Beautiful scenery. And a newfound appreciation of the wonders of nature. Here's to more National Park adventures..!

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Our very favorite race car turns 2 today!

Special carrot-walnut muffin cupcakes for our little man.
Happy birthday dearest Ammar Yusuf!

Recipe from Nigella Lawson's How to Be A Domestic Goddess.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Bite of The Big Apple

Finally. After being on the top of my To-Go List for a long long time, we made it to New York City. It was like a dream come true to get to roam the streets of Manhattan, strolling by the lake in Central Park & catching a glimpse of Lady Liberty. Went window shopping on 5th Avenue. Gazing up the huge billboards at Times Square. Walking amidst the towering skyscrapers in the financial district. Admiring the view of the sprawling metropolis from high up on Top of The Rock. Just like my sister tweeted "macam dalam movies!". Exactly.

Most of all, I loved the experience living like a New Yorker. Even if for just 4 days. Staying in an old walk-up apartment on the Upper West Side (just across the street from Central Park!). Walking blocks & blocks with srtroller and kids in tow. Taking the (at times dingy & dodgy looking) subway rides across the island. Grocery shopping at Duane Reade. Catching Wicked on Broadway. Dealing with grouchy yellow cab drivers. And dropping off the laundry at an old apek's place in true NYC style (nobody seems to do their own laundry in Manhattan!).

Oh and of course, buying hot dogs from those street cart vendors (and then eating them tepi jalan). We were very pleasantly surprised to find many halal food carts all over Manhattan.

Good times indeed. Snippets of memories I hope to never forget.

But despite all the glamour you see on TV, there's that darker side of New York that was evident from Day 1. I could easily see how the city could be hard on people. Those coming with big dreams, with hopes of getting a slice of that big apple. Yet the exorbitant cost of living here makes it a struggle for the lower income, the immigrants striving for a better life here in the States.

See now I understand the bitterness some feel about New York. Visiting as a tourist is one thing. But the harsh reality of building a life there is another.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Angry Birds

Sunday morning in Austin. Talking a walk in Zilker Park.
As we descended down the steps to the riverbank, Idris spotted two birds on the ground. He waved and called out.." hai angry bird..!"

Angy Birds. Taking over the world. One pig at a time.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Room With A View

Tonight we can sleep with the windows open. Such nice weather on a February night. I'm lying down in the boys' room feeling the cool night air. Reminds me of our nights at Bukit. I miss our home. Our very own.

I remember sleeping right by the window. Under the moon and the stars. We'd point out the moon to Ammar & Idris "bulan..!". And they've been fascinated with the moon ever since. I remember too those nightly feedings in the moonlight. And it was while I was pregnant with Idris that I often felt so warm at nights & that's when we started to sleep with the windows open.

It's the windows in our little apartment that holds the memories. Those wistful memories. I remember how at peace I felt on nice sunny days, just lying on the couch watching the clouds in the blue sky. And other times, watching the lightning and thundering rain with Idris in awe.

Funny. Of the many, many things. Memories by that window stick out the most.

Maybe because this was our first home. Where I learned to cook and clean after ourselves. Where I carried my babies. Where they made their first friend. It was that window that gave me nightmares of Idris falling over (we eventually did get grills after I finally managed to convince dear hubby!). That very same window where Idris & Ashraf threw out their little toy cars. Even the really nice Tonka ones I bought! And through the very same windows we'd watch cars coming up the hill at night.

Our apartment wasn't much. And the view was next to nothing. Just some grimey old apartments down the road. Yet I remember a completely different view.

Friday, September 03, 2010


It's almost time to say goodbye. I look around at my bare apartment. No more drapes. No more carpets. Just that faithful old couch waiting for the next person to come. A wave of sadness washes over me. I don't wanna leave this place yet. We've grown to love this little space of ours so much. This little haven we created for ourselves.

Has it really only been 3 years? It feels so much longer than that. Still, a part of me wishes we had more time to spend here. We'll be back, I know.. But things will be different then. And as I look at the living room one last time, just standing outside the door, all I can say is " sedihnya.."

I hope it's left in good hands. Please take care of this little piece of heaven. Baiti Jannati.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Salam Aidilfitri